Car and Dreams

Missus told me to have a look outside one day. She told me, I would love the car parked just outside our door. Indeed.

Before long I found myself walking around the car to admire it. Then two Cacausian ladies appeared from nowhere all of a sudden. One of them identified herself as the owner of the car, met my eyes and asked, "Is there any matter?"

"Well," I said, "having a look because this is one of my dream car."

Immediately her eyes lit up and she gave a big smile, "Yes! I love this so much, it is my baby."

Two more ladies appeared from my neighbour's house. One of them was my neighbour. All of them were dressed to party. My neighbour and another struggled to mount the car at the backseat in their mini skirts, then the driver and the last lady took seats and sped off, waving at me. There went the dream and the car. I went back home to resume practical life.

I really should abolish the habit of calling the Beetle, Kombi, Wrangler etc. my dream cars. Firstly, they might not even be my dream cars. I had never spare a serious thought of owning and driving one of those. I just think they are cool looking. If we want to go down to specifications, none of them is probably practical for long term, down-to-earth, reliable driving. We'll end up with the usual suspects, for practicality's sake.

Unfortunately, the association of dreams and impracticality seems to be a norm. Most often, we kill off our dreams even before we examine their plausibility. This is because we see the pursuit of our dreams as taking a detour from our prim-and-proper well paved route, to a risky one laced with opportunity costs. As such, most of us ended the journey because even taking a step. A shame if you ask me.  

I must kick the bad habit myself and start to believe in attainable dreams. Most of my dreams are lofty and seemingly unattainable. What I need to do is to break one of these up into small units and try to achieve one. For example, if I want to make some money online, I should aim to make the first $1, instead of pondering about feasibility and freezing myself into inaction. Instead, do it first to experience the whole process, then refine, improve then scale it. You should do the same to whatever you always wanted to do but didn't start. Be it a weight loss project, a money making one, attaining a worthy asset (please don't buy thrash) or a backpacking adventure.

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